2 Year Visiting Faculty Position In Electronic And Time-Based Arts at Carnegie Mellon University

The School of Art at Carnegie Mellon University seeks to fill a two year full-time visiting position in the School of Art’s Electronic and Time Based (ETB) area, recently ranked #1 in multimedia by US News & World Report. We are seeking a dynamic individual working in a wide range of media from a critical perspective. Expertise and experience in other media is also desirable. Conceptual strengths, contextual sensibilities, critical inquiry and a multidisciplinary orientation are sought to teach courses, from freshman to graduate level, and to work with an enthusiastic faculty team in developing the ETB area.

Beginning August 2015

We seek educator-practitioners who work as critical makers in emerging media. We are especially looking for applicants with expertise in some of the following areas:

  • Storytelling
  • Critical game making
  • Physical computing
  • Digital fabrication
  • Performance
  • Animation
  • Video

The School invites applicants with the following qualifications:
An innovative and creative practice.
An advanced degree or equivalent experience.
University-level teaching experience, preferably beyond teaching assistantships.
Competency in one or more arts-engineering toolkits or technological media: for example, Processing, Arduino, Max/MSP, Unity, web development, multimedia production, cell-culture, etcetera.
An exhibition record of digital/electronic, time-based, and/or other new media work. 

Applications will consist of:
Letter of application with teaching philosophy and statement of creative practice
Curriculum Vitae
Names/addresses/telephone numbers of 3 references (no recommendation letters)
Documentation of artwork. Up to 20 images and up to 10 minutes of video.
All applications must be submitted via Slideroom at https://cmuartjobs.slideroom.com  by January 31st.

Application review will begin mid-February 2015

Appointment Levels: Assistant Professor. Position begins mid-August 2015.

Salary and Benefits: Commensurate with experience

Additional Programmatic Information: http://www.cmu.edu/art/

Carnegie Mellon is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunities employer committed to diversity.