A. Bill Miller

A. Bill Miller

Open Positions at Miami University

Assistant/Associate Professor of Communication Design: Tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor of Communication Design: Tenure-track assistant or associate professor in graphic design, beginning August 20, 2018. Responsibilities will include teaching and advising in communication design at the undergraduate level, with opportunity for graduate…

New Media Caucus 2017 – Election Cycle

The New Media Caucus is accepting nominations for election to the Board of Directors. In addition we are accepting nominations for three Officer positions: Treasurer, Chair of Exhibitions and Events, and Chair of the Communications Committee. Deadline: midnight EST Friday,…

The Wrong 3 : Radical Inclusion (Post 2)

The Wrong (biennale) Today, November 1, 2017 marks the opening of the third iteration of The Wrong. As in previous years, it offers a wide range of exhibitions and events – both online and off. To try and describe The Wrong in…