CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: New Media Caucus Board Positions

New Media Caucus Board Positions


Deadline: December 13th 2013

NMC has six positions open on the Board of Directors.

Board Members serve for a three-year term beginning at the close of the Annual Regular Meeting of the Organization. The next meeting will take place in Chicago during the College Art Association Conference in February of 2014.

The new Board Members will be joining an international team of dynamic practitioners and scholars who make up the twenty Board Members, including five officers. The Board is engaged with the daily operation of the organization as well as collaborative committee initiatives for Communications, Resource Development, the Media-N journal, and Exhibitions.

Board Members duties include attending Board Meetings, participating on committees, and offering their expertise and assistance in the operation and development of the New Media Caucus. Board Members actively participate in attracting new Members and organizational sponsors. Board Members positively represent and promote the New Media Caucus. Board members are required to pay a $75.00 per year membership fee.

Any member of the New Media Caucus is eligible to make candidate nominations.

Self-nominations are accepted.

Please send nominations with contact information [including email, phone, and web], a 250 word biography and 250 word position statement to NMC Secretary and Chair of the Nominating Committee, Materials may be submitted as Microsoft Word or Adobe PDFs.

Nominations will close at 5:00pm December 13th, 2013.