Call for Papers for Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus – Fall 2012 edition

Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus is making an open call for submissions to our upcoming Fall 2012 issue, entitled “Found, Sampled, Stolen: Strategies of Appropriation in New Media.” TIMELINE June 1, 2012: Deadline for submission of abstracts/proposals. June 30, 2012: Notification of acceptance. September 1, 2012: Deadline for submission of final papers. GUEST EDITOR Joshua Rosenstock...

Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus is making an open call for submissions to our upcoming Fall 2012 issue, entitled “Found, Sampled, Stolen: Strategies of Appropriation in New Media.”


June 1, 2012: Deadline for submission of abstracts/proposals.
June 30, 2012: Notification of acceptance.
September 1, 2012: Deadline for submission of final papers.


Joshua Rosenstock


Pat Badani


“Found, Sampled, Stolen: Strategies of Appropriation in New Media.”


Creative reprocessing of appropriated digital source material by New Media artists: an investigation into theory and practice.


From peer-to-peer file sharing networks, Wikileaks and YouTube, to open data APIs, New Media practitioners today have extraordinary access to digital found materials. At the same time, legal disputes over fair use, such as the 2011 Richard Prince vs. Patrick Cariou case, continue to polarize the art world. This edition of Media-N Journal will examine the diverse strategies that contemporary electronic artists deploy while recontextualizing appropriated media and information into new artworks, with a particular eye toward the present moment and the current state of the legal, technological, and institutional landscape of sampling and appropriation. Possible topics may include: culture jamming and tactical media interventions; mashups; hijacked surveillance feeds; social media memes and their spinoffs; and data moshing. Further topics of exploration include the conceptual discourses and protocols that inform such creative practices, from “versioning” in Afro-diasporic musical traditions to the Copyleft and Open Source movements and beyond.

The deadline for submission of abstracts/proposals is June 1, 2012. The Guest Editor (Joshua Pablo Rosenstock, Associate Professor of Interactive Media & Game Development at Worcester Polytechnic Institute) andMedia-N’s Editorial Board will review submissions. Selected authors will be notified by June 30th, 2012, and finished papers will be due September 12, 2012. Please note that Media-N must be the first publisher of the submitted text.

Please email your submission, following these guidelines:

Name(s) Last name(s):

Title/Affiliation: (such as the institution/organization you work with  –if applicable– or independent scholar/practitioner.)


Proposal Title:

Abstract: word-count 300 to 500 words.

Author’s Bio: (word-count 50) and a link to your professional Website(s).


When accepted, essays for publication will have a word count of 3,600 words, and are to follow the Chicago Manual of Style 15th ed. Please check out more details under Publication Guidelines, here:

Articles will not be published if guidelines are not met.

If you have questions about Media-N Journal, please feel free to contact:

Pat Badani, Editor-in-Chief, Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus

Media-N was established in 2005 to provide a forum for New Media Caucus members, featuring their scholarly research, artworks and projects. The New Media Caucus is a nonprofit, international membership organization that advances the conceptual and artistic use of digital media. Additionally, the NMC is a College Art Association Affiliate Society.