Call for Papers Media-N Fall 2014 Edition

Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus, is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for fall 2014 edition.

Media-N is dedicating its spring and fall 2014 editions to the subject of  “Art and Infrastructures.” Below is a thematic summary of both editions, followed by a specific call for the fall 2014 edition. The submission deadline is June 15, 2014.


Summary Call:

To address networked infrastructure through art or scholarship is to make visible the material, physical supports of everyday telecommunication, as well as its informational processes with its necessary protocols for organizing knowledge, sensation, and labor. As in all infrastructures and sociotechnical systems, these two layers – the physical and the informational, the hardware and the software – are interdependent, and result from simultaneous, sometimes even conflicting, interests at work in their construction. For spring and fall 2014, across two consecutive editions, Media-N will explore how artists and scholars engage, visualize, study, and critique telecommunication infrastructures and the processes of knowledge formation on which they depend.


The spring edition examined the physical components (cables, satellites, and other built structures) that make global telecommunication transmissions possible; the fall edition will address the usually hidden protocols, structures and epistemes necessary to networked information, and the archives that emerge. As a series, the two issues will explore the role of visualization in understanding our shared networks.


Call for the fall Edition:

Art and Infrastructures: Information 

Co-Guest Editors

Kevin Hamilton (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Terri Weissman (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Media-N Editor-in-Chief
Pat Badani


The editors for the fall 2014 issue of Media-N seek proposals that address telecommunication infrastructures as informational processes in order to reveal the values embedded in common protocols, formats or applications. For example, how have artists or designers highlighted the labor practices necessary to operating or maintaining telecommunication systems? What have they revealed or critiqued about the software formats or protocols often considered vital to secure transmission? Who has offered challenges to the dominant modes of representation employed in networked communication? Essays might focus on cultural or aesthetic processes that critique existing ways of using our physical infrastructures of communication, or look to propose new ones.


TIMELINE for Submission for edition two of “Art and Infrastructure: Information”

June 15, 2014: Deadline for submission of abstracts/proposals.

July 15, 2014: Notification of acceptance.

September 15, 2014: Deadline for submission of final papers.



Please send your submission proposal adhering to the following:

  • Materials should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents (.doc or .docx).
  • Include: Proposal Title, and a 300-500 word Proposal Description with your Email(s), your Title/Affiliation (the institution/organization you work with ­ if applicable, or independent scholar/practitioner).
  • On a separate document, send a Resume (no longer than 3 pages). 

Send the submission to:

email to: AND

Subject line: ‘Media-N Submission” and your name(s).


If you have questions about Media-N, please feel free to contact:
Pat Badani, Editor-in-Chief Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus

Media-N was established in 2005 to provide a forum for New Media Caucus
members and non-members alike, featuring their scholarly research, artworks and projects. The New Media Caucus is a nonprofit, international membership organization that advances the conceptual and artistic use of digital media. Additionally, the
NMC is a College Art Association Affiliate Society.