Call for Reviews/Reports/Papers/ for Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus – Spring 2016 edition
Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus is making an open call for submissions to the Reviews and Reports section of our upcoming spring issue. The section is devoted to publishing short, high-quality essays and interviews that provide readers with an up-to-date picture of global trends in new media art. The subjects sought relate to new media books, exhibitions, and international festivals, conferences and symposia.
The deadline for submission is March 15th. The Editor-in-Chief (Pat Badani), the section Editor and the Editorial Board will review submissions. Selected authors will be notified in March.
This section of the journal offers opportunities for new media authors to address topics of current interest in brief, exploratory essays of 2,000 words. Please note that Media-N must be the first journal publisher of the submitted text.
-Please send your submission as a Microsoft Word doc to:
Francesca Franco <>
–In your email subject area write: Submissions: Reviews & Reports section.
–Attach Supporting material (Media): 2 images, or 1 video (25MB max) – or 1 sound file (25MB max). Do NOT embed media within your essay’s Word doc.
Submissions should contain the following information, in this particular order:
a-Essay title
b-Author’s name
c-Author’s academic position/affiliation/ etc: (eg: Independent artist, or researcher / Assistant Professor / Professor…)
d- Keywords (sequentially list 10 words that are central to your essay; separate each word with a comma, like this: erasure, photography, imagination, perception, experience, phenomenology, epistemology.)
e-The body of the essay
g-Author’s Bio – 50 word count (email and/or www. can be included at the end of the Bio.)
h-Copyright Statements (text and image release forms):
i- Media – submit as attachments, file(s) that illustrate your essay: images, video, and/or sound files (do not embed images onto your Word doc)
Note: Media-N adheres to the publication guidelines set out by the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition . Articles will not be published if guidelines are not met.
Please follow this link for detailed information about our submission guidelines:
With Media-N’s mission in mind, the Reviews and Reports section publishes high-quality essays that provide readers with an up-to-date picture of global trends in new media art. For our readers, newly published books and current art exhibitions are important sites in which cutting-edge scholarship and emergent practices are first revealed. Beyond providing a glimpse of new discourse, we envisage reviewers evaluating how the author’s publication offers new theoretical insights and frameworks. We also encourage exhibition reviews. By bringing the interpretive tools of art criticism to bare on new media art, we hope to expand its understanding along with historicizing exhibitions considered seminal. With regards to reports, we continue to build on the success of the questionnaire and conference commentary format. These reports promote thoughtful and creative exchanges between theoreticians and practitioners on issues pertinent to conferences and symposia proceedings. Contributors entering into a dialogue with peers allow for the reader to gain a fuller picture of the new media landscape. These reports will also remain a vehicle to explore speculative research practices, allowing the reader to identify new categories, evolutions and ruptures in new media, and changing technical vocabularies.