Call For Submissions, Models, Frameworks, Solutions and/or Questions to “alternative economies”

The Events & Exhibitions Committee, the organizing committee of The New Media Caucus, is programming one day for the ARTspace Media Lounge general theme of “Alternative Economies” at CAA NY 2015. The Media Lounge is an interactive space at the Hilton New York.

We are soliciting ideas on how to frame the theme of alternative economies through various practices. Working in new media art involves alternative theories, practices and communities. In an effort to form an inclusive and diverse response to the theme, we invite members of the New Media Caucus to collaborate with us at CAA NY 2015. We are requesting submissions of position papers, artworks and/or other artists’ works that address “alternative economies”.

Submissions may take a variety of forms, including new media art, new media theoretical discourse, performance, and any alternative propositions in keeping with the theme and the project of the New Media Caucus.”.

The selection process will be in two stages. The first step is this call to solicit ideas (forms, sub-topics) and artists. The second stage is to create a program from the submissions that represents diverse but coordinated responses that will generate productive discussions. Submissions may include further calls for participation. Events must work within the constraints of the Media Lounge, a small conference room at the Hilton. Work cannot be mounted on the walls. A projector, a plasma screen, and wireless microphones are provided.

The event is scheduled for Friday, February 13 in the Media Lounge of CAA. 

We publish simultaneous web and print on-demand CAA Conference editions yearly in Media-N, the journal of the new Media Caucus. Participants are expected to provide materials for publication.

SUBMISSION: First stage submissions should include a 300-400 word abstract describing the concept and format of your proposal and a three-page CV. If your proposal involves work(s) of art, feel free include a link to one URL displaying images or video.

 Email submissions to Sid Branca at by September 29. Selections will be announced by October 27.