Call to Artists for 5th Annual Juried Show at KLG! – Kehler Liddell Gallery

Prospectus: We humans are biological siblings, belonging to the genus Homo and, as Sapiens, the last surviving species of our genus. The last year spoke loudly of division and differences. We learned important lessons of history and identity, addressing racial, economic, political, and religious divides. We’ve been physically separated and isolated in unfamiliar ways by a disease not bound by our labels. But if we shift focus to a macro view, we lay bare fundamental truths about what unites us – the simple fact of our membership in the human race.

Understanding the human genome has led to DNA technologies that are the basis of the first Covid vaccines. Science teaches us that we are 99.9% identical in our genetic makeup. Our defining characteristics – large brains, upright posture, ability and vision to create tools, to create art – bind us in irrevocable ways. Our commonalities extend further, into myth creation, religion, shared symbols and archetypes, and questions about the riddles of life. Scientists answer these riddles in one way, while philosophers, poets, and artists also offer wise perspectives regarding universal principles that speak to and about us as humans.

For this exhibit we ask you as artists to step back from the trees to better see the forest. While we value the irrefutable histories and identities defining our differences, we’ll instead focus on the irrefutable truth of our 99.9% shared genome. Using any tools or languages, explore the belief systems and vocabularies of our family tree that touch on our common destiny and collective value. Remind us who we are. Explain us to ourselves. Reveal something of our common physical or metaphorical DNA, our essential humanity, the soul of the Sapien.

The Details:

Deadline to Submit: by midnight on Sunday, May 16th 

Exhibition Dates:  June 24th – July 25th, 2021

The Jury: The artists at KLG ( The artists at KLG are all juried into membership through a peer review process. Each artist votes on whether or not they think an applicant’s work will be a good fit for the gallery. The gallery’s annual juried show mirrors the process of applying to the gallery. 

 Cash Prizes totaling $1500; three $500 prizes will be awarded!  

Up to 3 artworks may be submitted for consideration.

Send application materials to:, w/ subject line: JURIED SHOW ‘21

$30 jurying fee, for up to 3 images, payable via the button below.

Application Materials – email to, w/ subject line JURIED SHOW ‘21:

up to 3 Artworks (jpgs, attached to the email, 2-5MB each; dropbox/google drive video files)

1 (short) paragraph artist statement, within the body of the email, that addresses how these works fit the theme, as well as speaks to your art in general.

Artwork Information (Titles, Dimensions, Media, Prices for each piece): within the body of the email

Artist Contact Information (Name/Address/Phone Number/Website): within the body of the email

Your receipt of payment for jurying fee. (See below).

Please Note: You will receive a confirmation email from us within 24 hours that your submission was received. If you do not receive a confirmation, please email or call the gallery (203-389-9555).


Kehler Liddell Gallery (KLG) is a retail art gallery collectively operated by member artists. Located in the heart of Westville village in New Haven, CT, KLG sits comfortably amongst a variety of shops and restaurants on Whalley Avenue, not far from the Yale Campus. Our mission is to represent, present, promote and sell work of local contemporary artists. As champions of free speech, we do not censor our artists’ work or written statements. We are dedicated to representing critical perspectives that challenge and illuminate culture and enrich our aesthetic experience.