Category Call for Entries

– CFP: CAA Chicago 2014

The New Media Caucus invites panel proposals for a 1.5-hour affiliated panel open session to be held during the 2014 College Art Association annual conference in Chicago. Proposals should be submitted by panel chairs who will organize the session including its call for submissions. The NMC Exhibitions & Events Committee will assist with providing liaison to CAA, administration, publicity, etc...

– Media-N CFP Spring 2013

Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus is making an open call for submissions to our upcoming Spring 2013 issue, entitled “Tracing New/Media/Feminisms.” TIMELINE November 26, 2012: Deadline for reception of abstracts/proposals. December 13, 2012: Notification of acceptance. February 3, 2013: Deadline for reception of final papers/artworks. GUEST EDITORS Juliet Davis and Stephanie Tripp Media-N Editor-in-Chief Pat Badani...

– CFP: Lightning Talks at CAA 2013

The New Media Caucus invites members including artists, art historians, and theorists to submit proposals for seven-minute lightning talks on “Current Questions in New Media Art” for a 90-minute, off-site session during the 2013 CAA Conference in New York City. The lightning talk format is intended to provide a wide range of ideas...

Call for Papers for Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus – Fall 2012 edition

Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus is making an open call for submissions to our upcoming Fall 2012 issue, entitled “Found, Sampled, Stolen: Strategies of Appropriation in New Media.” TIMELINE June 1, 2012: Deadline for submission of abstracts/proposals. June 30, 2012: Notification of acceptance. September 1, 2012: Deadline for submission of final papers. GUEST EDITOR Joshua Rosenstock...