Category Call For Papers

ISEA2023 Call for proposals

The team of ISEA2023, the International Symposium on Electronic Art, is pleased to announce the launch of its call for proposals ! International speakers who cannot travel to Paris will be able to present their conference online under certain conditions. With…

Ground Works accepting submissions – A2RU

Ground Works, a2ru’s online peer-reviewed platform for arts-integrated research, is accepting submissions with a priority deadline of February 1, 2022 for review. We welcome submissions that integrate research and practice in the fine, performing, and applied arts and design with…

CFP for Media-N special themed issue: Afterlives of Data

Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus, invites submissions for a special themed issue: Afterlives of Data Guest Editors: Brian Michael Murphy (Bennington College) & Kris Paulsen (The Ohio State University) The editorial board of Media-N invites abstracts for articles, artist’s projects, interviews,…