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The New Media Caucus Blog

The Illusions of Love Stories

Artist Nichola Kinch is bringing back the physicality of images with her participatory installations. A mix of 19th and 21st century image making methods as well as her consideration of the exhibition space provides a captivating viewing experience. The installation…

The Wrong

The Wrong is big. Really ridiculously, absurdly large. The sheer number and variety of works encompassed in this digital biennial is overwhelming, across its pavilions, curated pieces, and events. When this second iteration of The Wrong was about to launch, even organizer Guillo had not…

Upcoming Deadlines and Announcements

Just getting a few reminders in the pipeline for you! Our posted announcements with November Deadlines are tagged on our site here. In particular, the Media-N Journal has a call out for proposals for the Spring 2016 issue. More info…

On Media Players and Dulltech

As artists that work with digital media, we must constantly navigate the space between hardware, software, and our concept or artistic intent. And as we make our work we must also develop strategies for how that work gets displayed in…