Category Hub

The New Media Caucus Blog

Kit Galloway – Networked Conversations

Interview with Kit Galloway, co-founder of the Electronic Café with Sherrie Rabinowitz ::: Monday, April 24, 6:00pm-7:00pm (PDT) / 9:00pm-10:00pm (EDT) ::: Networked Conversations is hosted by Randall Packer ::: live & online via Internet chat. Login & participate via…

Terminal 3.0

Following the lineage of Terminal 1.0 and 2.0, Cyberspace is explored in Terminal 3.0 from a social and cultural context. The web-based content is a collection of essays that relate to network-based art and an active chat room for the…


HOW TO TEACH ART AND ART HISTORY UNDER CONDITIONS OF CRISIS? Teaching Resource Sharing Party Friday, February 17, 7-10pm e-flux, 311 E Broadway (accessible by B,D,F,J,M,Z trains) Bring your data! Flash drives, JPGs, PDFs, PPTs, lesson plans, syllabi, etc., or…

3D Additivist Cookbook

Cookbooks tend to be written in the present tense and can thus become historical documents of social traditions. The 3D Additivist Cookbook is a reference to the utilization of a current technological medium for social and political response and an…

Terminal 2.0

This second part of my four part Hub blog series continues to discuss my singular interface experience of the Western Front’s virtual space of Terminal. Terminal 2.0 is a web presence that considers the impact of graphical user interfaces (GUI’s) on the…

Report from Computer Art Congress 5

Bonjour de Paris! I’m writing today quite early in the morning before I head out to Charles de Gaulle and return home. In my short stay I’ve had difficulty sleeping, so I thought I might make use of some of…

Terminal 1.0

My curiosity began with an animated, vintage flashing square cursor next to the title Terminal 1.0. Terminal is an installation project at Western Front in Vancouver, Canada. The installation project examines single-user interfaces, along with how technology influences the adaptation…