CFP and Artwork presentations: Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science 2018 in Mexico

Submissions are welcome from all art and research fields and cutting-edge technology in art research. Suggested, but not exclusive topics, are those associated, with: Biopunk, hybridity and aesthetics of mutation | Cyborg, augmentation and bοdy modification | Post gender, transgressive identities and social models | Psycho-pharmacology, somatechnology and post-humanism | Chemistry of the mind, natural healers and mind enhancement | Biotechnology, DIYbio and biohacking | Ethology, human and nonhuman | Evolution, extinction and randomness.

The conference TTT2018 – Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science 2018 is co-organized by the Research and Creation Group Arte+Ciencia, UNAM (Mexico), Arte Institute (USA), Cultivamos Cultura (Portugal) and the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University (Greece) and is coordinated in partnership with the program of the FACTT 2018- Festival Art & Science Trans-disciplinary and Trans-national.

The TTT conference series is supported by its Steering Committee composed by: Roy Ascott, Plymouth University (UK), Andreas Floros, Ionian University (Greece), Dalila Honorato, Ionian University (Greece), Gunalan Nadarajan, University of Michigan (USA), Melentie Pandilovski, Riddoch Art Gallery Director, Manager Arts & Culture Development (Australia), Stelarc, Curtin University (Australia), Polona Tratnik, Alma Mater Europaea (Slovenia) and Adam Zaretsky, Marist College (USA).