CFP for Panel @ UAAC Conference – Round Table: Transformation of the Artist’s Studio
Panel Description: Digital and post-digital movements have transformed traditional studio spaces into labs and confined virtual spaces such as computers and the internet. We investigate this transformation and its implications on the practices that result from this loss of physicality. We will invite artists and curators to examine the qualities of current artistic practices with an urge to understanding how technologies transform practices and furthermore influence the aesthetics of artistic practices. Moreover the digital aesthetics discussion has moved to the post-digital debate that yet again opens up a new dialogue for the practitioner. Invited speakers will demonstrate a couple of case studies that speak to a contemporary practice that encourages a post-digital aesthetics that no longer foregrounds technology but rather assesses it by using it critically. Our analysis engages with new materials that augment and advance the studio discussion.
Panel submissions should use the form provided by the UAAC Conference, and be directed to the panel chair, Barbara Rauch, OCAD University. See the conference regulations for more information, or email with questions. The deadline is May 3 at noon.