The Vagner Mendonça-Whitehead Microgrant Fund
The Vagner Mendonça-Whitehead Microgrant Fund supports equity, inclusion, and diversity in our community through unrestricted grants to BIPOC artists and scholars in the field of new media art at any stage of their career. The inaugural call for microgrant applications in 2022 received an overwhelming response, and the NMC is currently fundraising to increase the amount available for 2023. 100% of your tax-deductible donations made before January 1 will go directly to recipients of the 2023 microgrant through our annual open call.
The 2022 Microgrant recipient, Chloe Lee, is currently featured in Header/ Footer Gallery. Check it out, and help us support more excellent artists and scholars!
New Media Caucus General Fund
Donate to the general NMC fund. We provide resources vital to our community, including our world-recognized scholarly journal, Media-N. We maintain a robust website and email newsletter, which offers up-to-date member news, opportunities, and other information. With your help, we can grow these activities and initiatives, and continue to create new opportunities for connection and advancement within our community.
Judson-Morrissey Excellence in New Media Award
The scholarship fund provides three $500 awards for BIPOC students working in the field of new media art (artist, practitioner, history and/criticism) to attend the College Art Association Conference.