CAA 2021 Events
NMC at the 2021 College Art Association Conference
All events are free and open to the public, but you do need to register with CAA by February 13!
Jump to our Affiliate Events here.
Wednesday 2/10, 12:00pm – 12:30pm EST
Chronopoetics: Time and Temporality in XR Art
Chair: Liron Efrat – University of Toronto
While many XR artworks are often perceived as primarily spatial, this panel reinforces Paul Virilio’s perspective as we inquire how contemporary XR art engages with existing perceptions of time as means for creating new perspectives on our immediate environments and lived reality.
Gustavo Rincon – Media Arts and Technology, UCSB
Caroline Klimek – York University
David Han – York University
Wednesday 2/10, 4:00pm – 4:30pm EST
Chair: Farhad Bahram – Indiana State University
This panel centers on the use of technologies for transforming the determined correlation between the object of body and its subjective reflection. Panelists explore possibilities for decodifying the self as a subjective mechanism that is shaped by a series of immediate struggles, both in and outside of the body.
Brian Gillis – University of Oregon
Chelsea Thompto – San Jose State University
Wednesday 2/10, 6:00pm – 6:30pm EST
Unbounded Unleashed Unforgiving: Reconsidering Cyberfeminism in 2021
Liss LaFleur – University of North Texas,
Melanie Clemmons – Southern Methodist University
VNS Matrix’ The Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century first oozed into our collective consciousness 30 years ago, demanding inclusivity by way of viscera within a technochauvinist culture. We ask panel artists to return to the term cyberfeminism, reconsidering it thirty+ years later, in an age of never offline.
Thursday 2/11, 12:30pm – 2:00pm EST
Art, Techne, and Cultural Change
Chair: Jaret Vadera – Cornell University
We are living in politically charged times. How can we creatively empower our students inside and out of the classroom to engage with larger social movements in the world today? What are some of the ways we can enact equity and justice when teaching about art and technology?
Heather Hart – The Black Lunch Table
Cristobal Martinez – San Francisco Art Institute
Kamal Sinclair – Guild of Future Architects
Marlon Barrios Solano – Dance-Tech.Net
Thursday 2/11, 2:30pm – 4:00pm EST
Critical New Media Art Resources: Panel and Participatory Workshop
Chair: Chelsea Thompto – San Jose State University
This panel and workshop will focus on introducing essential and critically informed resources in new media art and education to participants. Discussants will be pulled from previous Resource Spotlight features from the New Media Caucus website and will guide participants in thinking through using and writing about these resources.
Lark Alder
Livia Alexander – Montclair State University
Rashin Fahandej – Emerson College
Avery Forbes
Darija Medic
Jaret Vadera – Cornell University
Thursday 2/11, 6:00pm – 6:30pm EST
Social Exclusion in New Media Art/Design: Individualized Marginalization
Kim Heejoo – University of Connecticut
Yeohyun Ahn – University of Wisconsin Madison
This panel examines the controversial issue related to the social exclusion concepts in new media art and design: individualized marginalization. In particular, the panelists contemplate the various issues surrounding social exclusion raised by marginal group identities and their own personal perceptions of our society.
Thursday, 2/11, 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST
Twelfth Annual New Media Caucus Showcase
The NMC showcase is a curated series of rapid-fire presentations by NMC members. It has proven to be an excellent forum to get to know the work of fellow members in a lively atmosphere and is the signature offsite event of the New Media Caucus (even virtually). Food and select drinks will not be provided this year, but we invite you to partake freely. No CAA registration needed.
Presenters (see our Showcase Panelist page for more information):
- Brian House, Lewis & Clark College
- Daniel Lichtman, Lecturer at Purchase College, SUNY and Baruch College, CUNY
- Elizabeth Leister, Assistant Professor of Emerging Media Production in the Cinema and Television Arts Department at California State University, Northridge
- Joelle Dietrick and Owen Mundy, Sneakaway Studio
- Jonah Brucker-Cohen, Assistant Professor of Digital Media and Networked Culture, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Lehman College / City University of New York (CUNY)
- Kath Blair, Computational Media Design, University of Calgary
- Mike Richison, Assistant Professor, Monmouth University
- Stefani Byrd, Visiting Assistant Professor, Experimental Media Art, University of Arkansas
Register to attend the Showcase:
Friday 2/12, 10:30am – 12:00pm EST
Interactive Story/Text Based Game Making Workshop
Chair: Eden Unluata-Foley – West Shore Community College
In this workshop, participants will learn how to use Twine (,) a simple tool for making text-based games or in other words, learn how to make interactive nonlinear stories. No prior experience is necessary. Bring your own laptop!
Friday 2/12, 12:00pm – 12:30pm EST
Artist-Centered Platforms: A Toolkit for Algorithmic Resistance
Chair: Craig Fahner – Ryerson University
This workshop invites participants to explore the possibilities of artist-produced software to create new forms of co-presence and collaboration. Participants will use the to explore how interactive sound, video, text and gesture can be integrated into purpose-built platforms that address the needs of dynamic environments like the studio classroom.
Friday 2/12, 12:30pm – 1:30pm EST
New Media Caucus Business Meeting
Open to anyone! Drop in if you’re interested in learning about or joining the NMC.
Join Zoom Meeting:
- Passcode: 212144
- Meeting ID: 829 4906 5759
Saturday 2/13, 10:00am – 10:30am EST
A-Frame Coding Workshop with CQDE
KT Duffy – Northeastern Illinois University
Alejandro Acierto – Vanderbilt University
This workshop introduces participants to A-Frame, a web framework for building 3D virtual reality experiences for the browser or headset. A-Frame is authored in HTML, making it approachable for all skill-levels. Participants should bring their own laptops, and will learn to create interactive 3D/VR scenes in a friendly environment!
Saturday 2/13, 2:00pm – 2:30pm EST
Curating During Pandemics: H/F Gallery
Farhad Bahram – Indiana State University
Constanza Salazar – Cornell University
This panel introduces Header/Footer gallery curators in conversation with each other and other guest curators focusing on digital exhibition experiences during the pandemic. H/F gallery’s mission to create online exhibition opportunities directly on New Media Caucus’s website, centering New Media artists outside of the normative western New Media canon.
Adia Sykes – Independent Curator
KT Duffy – Northeastern Illinois University
Saturday 2/13, 6:00pm – 6:30pm EST
Reimagining the Third Space: New Metaphors for Online Creative Communities
Lee Tusman – New Media and Computer Science
Alice Yuan Zhang – Artist, Designer
Rather than abiding by conventional usage of tools like social media, conference calls, and chat rooms, how can virtual spaces adopt learnings from physical creative spaces while exploring beyond their limitations? Panelists discuss how virtual spaces and communities can serve as extensions of DIY space or form new models of institutions.
LaJune McMillian – New Media Artist
Kristin McWharter – School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Lauren Gardner – Babycastles
Affiliate Events
These are some events our members and friends are part of! Have an event you think NMC should know about? Let us know with this form.
Wednesday 2/10, 4:00pm – 4:30pm
Maya S Livio, University of Colorado
Timothy Smith, Aalto University
Meredith Drum, New Media Caucus
Victoria E. Szabo, Duke University and Joyce J. Rudinsky, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Wednesday 2/10, 9:00am – 9:30am EST
Gustavo Rincon
Erica Hruby
JoAnn Cecile Kuchera-Morin
Cletus James Dalglish-Schommer
Liliana Conlisk Gallegos
Yoon Chung Han
Thursday, 2/11, 12:00pm – 12:30pm
CAA Open Forum on Assessment and Evaluation in Art and Design
(Prerecorded session with Live Q+A)
Co-Chair: Robert Ladislas Derr
Co-Chair & Panelist: Michael Grillo
Denise Baxter
Richard Lubben
Thursday, 2/11, 2:00pm – 2:30pm
EcoArt: Grief, Healing, and Care in the Time of our Enviro Crisis (Prerecorded session with Live Q+A)
Chair: Alexandra Chang
Sue Huang
Jean Shin
Mary Ting
Saturday, 2/13, 10:00am – 10:30am
Don’t Just Stand There, Do Something
(Prerecorded session with Live Q+A)
Chair: Robert Ladislas Derr, (visual artist and Professor of Art, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Markus Reymann (Co-Founder and Director, TBA21–Academy, the exploratory soul of Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary)
Todd Anderson (visual artist and Associate Professor of Art, Clemson University)
Anastasiia Raina (multidisciplinary designer, researcher, writer, and Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Rhode Island School of Design)
Marek Ranis (multi-media environmental artist and Associate Professor of Art at the College of Arts and Architecture, University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Stefanie Hessler (Director, Kunsthall Trondheim)