Faculty Positions, Computational Media and Arts Thrust, Information Hub – The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Job Title: Faculty Positions
Department: Computational Media and Arts Thrust, Information Hub, HKUST(GZ)
Job ID: 6731
Job Posting Details
In the rapidly changing environment of the 21st century, there is an increasing need to forge bridges across disciplines to address emerging challenges and problems. Through its commitment to academic excellence, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has developed world-class strengths in many subjects over its short 30-year history. With a strong track record of cultivating high end talents and nurturing future leaders for academia and industry, HKUST is well positioned to craft an innovative approach to cross-disciplinary education and research in its Guangzhou campus, HKUST(GZ), and meet the needs of an ever-evolving world.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) invites applications for multiple faculty positions at all ranks in Computational Media and Arts (CMA) for its new campus in Guangzhou (GZ). Currently offering M.Phil and Ph.D degrees, the CMA Thrust focuses on artistic research and practice with emerging technologies. It promotes the interplay of art and technology and exploits the most advanced technologies for creativity with a social impact. Please visit https://cma.hkust-gz.edu.cn for more information about the Computational Media and Arts Thrust.
Composed of faculty members and students from a diverse background, especially in the arts and engineering, CMA is interested in faculty candidates who can thrive in an interdisciplinary academic area, enrich a creativity-driven curriculum, and pursue high impact art-related research in a science-, technology- and engineering-oriented university environment. We welcome both artists and art scholars to apply.
Candidates with an art practice background should either hold a doctoral degree, or have held academic positions at a recognized institution with experience supervising postgraduate art students, plus a notable exhibition history with a sustained creative practice in a related area. Priority will be given to artists who are able to teach a range of skills, including digital and innovative approaches; showing an explicitly experiential, experimental and expansive outlook on media arts making; commanding a deep understanding and active practice in one or more areas in computational arts.
Candidates with a scholarly background should hold a doctoral degree and have demonstrated ability to pursue high-level research in areas related to computational media arts, including critical theory, cultural studies of technology, art history, curating, criticism, media arts preserving, etc.
We welcome candidates from a wide range of backgrounds related to computational media arts, and those whose research and practice fall within the following areas are especially encouraged to apply:
- Critical and cultural theory related to media arts and technology;
- Artistic and critical engagement with AI and/or data.
- Video art or experimental cinema with emerging technologies;
- Game art and interactive media;
- Electronic and digital sound art;
- Interdisciplinary art practice that connects computation with other disciplines such as biology, material science, environmental studies, etc.
- Other forms of computational arts.
About HKUST Guangzhou Campus [https://gz.ust.hk/]
HKUST(GZ) offers a unique educational environment with four cross-disciplinary hubs and 16 thrust areas. HKUST(GZ) offers superb research facilities, attracting top international faculty and students to conduct curiosity-driven and goal-oriented research to address the world’s pressing scientific and technological challenges. English is the medium of instruction at HKUST (GZ).
HKUST(GZ) is situated in Nansha District, Guangzhou, which is right in the center of the Greater Bay Area, one of the most vibrant and dynamic regions in the world, neighboring Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Macao. It is about 30 minutes away from Hong Kong by high-speed train. The new campus is under construction and is planned to open in 2022. Successful candidates may start working on the Clear Water Bay campus in Hong Kong before the new campus is completed.
About the Information Hub
The HKUST(GZ) Information Hub focuses on addressing global challenges arising from human interactions with information and technology in an era of digital transformation. The Hub comprises four thrust areas: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Analytics, Computational Media and Arts, and Internet of Things. In each of these areas, we are committed to providing a world-class education and conducting cutting-edge research with practical applications, with the purpose of not only advancing regional development but also making a global impact.
Remuneration and Conditions of Service
Salary is highly competitive of international standard and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Generous start-up funding, ample laboratory space and excellent research equipment and support will be provided.
All posts are Mainland China appointments to be offered by the HKUST Mainland entity in accordance with the local employment laws and regulations. Appointment to Professor rank and some Associate Professor rank will be made on substantive basis while initial appointment to other faculty ranks will be made on a fixed-term contract of up to three years.
Application Procedure
Please submit the application via the HKUST/ HKUST(GZ) Recruitment System (https://facrecruit.hkust.edu.hk/). You should first sign up to create your personal account. For more information, please visit the recruitment website (https://gz-faculty-recruitment.hkust.edu.hk/).
Please submit the following documents with your application: (i) full CV; (ii) research statement; (iii) teaching statement; (iv) three most representative publications and/or art projects in PDF formats; (v) record of teaching performance (if any); (vi) and names and contact information of three referees.
Up to three additional documents, such as a full portfolio or additional publications, can also be uploaded to the system. Review of applications will continue until all positions are filled. We thank applicants for the interests. Please be advised that only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the results of their applications. Please send inquiries to cmat@ust.hk.
(Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.)
HKUST(GZ) is committed to diversity in recruitment and equal opportunity employment and we strongly encourage suitable candidates of diverse backgrounds to submit their applications.
In the rapidly changing environment of the 21st century, there is an increasing need to forge bridges across disciplines to address emerging challenges and problems. Through its commitment to academic excellence, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has developed world-class strengths in many subjects over its short 30-year history. With a strong track record of cultivating high end talents and nurturing future leaders for academia and industry, HKUST is well positioned to craft an innovative approach to cross-disciplinary education and research in its Guangzhou campus, HKUST(GZ), and meet the needs of an ever-evolving world.