FILE FESTIVAL 2023 – Call for Entries

FILE – Electronic Language International Festival – is receiving proposals for authorial works and educational projects (talks and workshops) in Art and Technology, from Brazilian and international artists, who are interested in being part of our 2023 exhibitions. Applications will be open from December 19th to February 15th.

This announcement opens the opportunity to participate in the 22nd. Edition of the Electronic Language International Festival, which is scheduled to take place at the FIESP Cultural Center, in São Paulo, from July 5th to August 27th. The selected projects will also be able to collaborate in parallel events in different states of Brazil, to be held in the same year of 2023.

It is possible to register with installations, works of sound art, video art, robotics, animations, CGI videos, virtual realities, augmented realities, mobile art, games, gifs, internet art, lectures and workshops. Projects for the LED SHOW programm, exhibited annually on the LED façade of FIESP on Avenida Paulista, can also be submitted using this form. Submit!

The submission is free of charge.


In these regulations are included the terms and conditions that govern the participation in the exhibitions of FILE to be produced by FILE Electronic Language International Festival (from now on denominated “Organizer”). We recommend the reading, with maximum care, of each item of the terms and conditions below, and their full acceptance is essential for the participation in the exhibitions of FILE.


1.1 FILE – Electronic Language International Festival – is a non-profit cultural organization that, since 2000, has promoted exhibitions, workshops and meetings that seek to investigate the appropriations of technological tools in artistic production. With annual exhibitions in São Paulo, editions in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Curitiba, as well as participation in international exhibitions, FILE is the biggest electronic art event in Latin America.

1.2 This notice resumes FILE’s annual selection processes, which receive copyright works and educational projects in Art and Technology, by artists and researchers, for participation in the organization’s exhibitions.

1.3 This announcement opens the opportunity to participate in the 22nd. Edition of the Electronic Language International Festival, which will take place at the FIESP Cultural Center, in São Paulo, from July 5 to August 27, 2023. It also enables collaboration in parallel events in different states of Brazil to be held this year.

1.4 Applications are also open for the FILE Led Show program , a public art exhibition on the large Led panel on the facade of the Fiesp building – at Avenida Paulista, 1313. The FILE Led Show receives non-interactive proposals to be presented at the Digital art. Download FILE Led Show technical specifications here .

1.5 In addition, FILE receives registrations for the workshops of the FILE Workshop program , whose objective is to disseminate technological tools as means of artistic production.

1.6 To participate in all programs, it is necessary to fill out the registration form, in accordance with the FILE 2023 General Regulations . Registration is free.


This Regulation aims to select audiovisual, visual, sound and/or interactive works for FILE 2023 exhibitions, and for the associated programs FILE Led Show and FILE Workshop . The notice is organized by FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, registered with the CNPJ under nº 03.659.709/0001-91 (Organiser).

2.1 These Regulations contain the terms and conditions governing participation in FILE 2023 . We recommend that you read, with the greatest care, each item of the terms and conditions that follow, and your full acceptance is essential for participation in the FILE 2023 exhibitions .

2.2 This selection has an exclusively cultural character, and there is no modality involving luck.


FILE 2023 has the following specific categories:

Electronic Sound : By electronic sound we mean all research and experiments in the field of sounds, thus having a broader scope than the field of music and open to possible transversalities with other disciplines, namely: Sound Performance; Sound Installations; Sound Art; Genetic Music; Biological Music; Classical Electronic Music; Pop-Electronic Music; Radiophonic Dramaturgy; Radio Art; Soundscape; Sound Robotics; Video Music; Sound Poetry; Others.

Interactive Art : By interactive arts we mean all research and experiences in the field of art that use interactive media and that take into account the intersection between art, science and technology, as well as possible transversalities with other disciplines, namely: Installations; Performances; Augmented Reality; Multitouch Tables; Digital Objects; Outdoor projections; Projects for Mobile Devices; Electronic graffiti; Others.

Digital Language : By digital language we mean all research and experiences in the broad scope of the multiplicity of disciplines that use digital media, as well as the possible transversalities between them, namely: Digital Games (in all their modalities); Animations (in all its forms); Digital Cinema; Machines; Digital Video; Digital Architecture; Digital Fashion; Digital Design; Robotics; Artificial life; Biological Art; Transgenic Art; Art Software; New Interfaces; Hypertexts; Non-Linear Routes; Artificial intelligence; Programming language; Digital Poetry; Digital Dance; GIF; WebGL; Virtual Realities with 3D Glasses; Others.

Educational: Educational means all research and experiences dedicated to reflection and production of content in the area of digital arts and media, as well as the possible transversalities between them, whether online or in person, namely: Workshops; Workshops; Speeches; Round tables; Others.


4.1 Entries can be made within the period of 00:01hs. from December 19, 2022 to February 15, 2023 until 23:59hs.

4.2 Only applications made online through the official FILE 2023 website will be accepted : Call for Entries.

4.3 Each participant may submit up to 3 proposals for works that have been carried out in the last 3 years (2020, 2021, 2022).

4.4 For registration, it is necessary to complete and send the online Registration Form in full, being certain that late registrations and/or completion of registrations that have been sent incompletely and/or mistakenly will not be accepted.

4.5 The registration period cannot be extended, and participants are advised to register well in advance.

4.6 The participation of people under 18 (eighteen) years old is allowed, however, at the time of classification, legal guardians will be asked to authorize the participation, use of the work, image and voice sound of the eventual selected in this condition, under penalty of disqualification.


5.1 All works must be available for consultation online through video. In the case of video and/or audio works, a link to download the file must be provided, as specified in item 5.2. In the specific case of works made for the Internet, the online address of the work must be indicated.

5.2 Copies of the works (hereinafter referred to as “works”) must be sent to the Organizer.

5.3 In the case of video and music works, through a download link that must be indicated in the Registration Form, observing the following rules:

The. Materials must be sent in the following formats: WMV/WMA, MOV, MPG/MPEG, AVI or MP4.

B. In the specific case of works entered in the FILE Led Show , the following conditions must be observed:

5.4 When non-interactive works (videos or animations):

The. Files must be in MOV format, Motion JPEG A encoding.

B. The image resolution must be 1024 x 768 pixels, with a usable area of 221 (width) x 170 pixels (height).

5.5 In both cases: The LED platform is formed by a network of approximately 24,000 pixels incorporated into three surfaces of the FIESP / SESI-SP Digital Gallery building (Avenida Paulista, 1313, São Paulo).

5.6 Download FILE Led Show technical specifications .

5.7 The documentation describing the work, as well as the biography of the participant, group and other collaborators, must be sent at the time of registration and in the respective field of the Registration Form.

5.8 In the case of Installations, Performances and Public Art Projects (such as the FILE Led Show ), a Technical Rider must be sent in the respective field of the Registration Form, that is, a PDF with the detailed description of the work, information on the necessary equipment, physical space requirements, form of interaction (if any), a link to a video demonstrating the work, the role of visitors in relation to the interaction interface, any illustrations or sketches, transportation needs and other details that are important for understanding the proposal in its entirety.

5.9 A PDF document must be sent containing specifications for the assembly and disassembly of the works, as well as the use of objects and equipment borrowed by the participant to the festival.

5.10 The Organizer is responsible for: assembling the work together with the artist and its technical specifications sent a priori to the festival’s production team; for the dismantling in the absence of the artist through the detailed technical guide; and for the return of objects and equipment borrowed by the artist upon prior submission of instructions and a list of specific detailed items. Such instructions are paramount and are the sole responsibility of the artists. The festival disclaims any problems resulting from its absence.

5.11 A web address, URL, where high-resolution images (Horizontal: 30 x 60 – 300 dpi; Vertical: 66 x 92 – 300 dpi) of the registered work will be available for download, in TIFF or JPEG format. This image will be used to publicize the work and the Organizer is not responsible for its reproduction from the festival’s publications. If the images must be credited to someone, such credits must be specified by the participant when registering.

5.12 In the case of exclusively sound works, a link must be sent in which there is an excerpt (extracts) of up to 5 minutes in length available online. These edited snippets can serve as a compressed remix of different musical areas from various compositions, or the participant can simply choose a continuous representative slice.

5.13 If the job is interactive, a video that exemplifies the interactive interface of the job must be available online.

5.14 In the case of FILE Oficina/WORKSHOP: The participant must fill in the URL field to download the work / presentation with a link to the file, including the complete description of the proposal (workload, programmatic content, among others).


6.1 The participant authorizes the Organizer to display in its events the works registered when sending the Registration Form.

6.2 In case of work carried out by more than one person, only one person will be responsible for the Registration Form. The other members and/or collaborators must be indicated in the respective field of the Registration Form, as well as the name of the group and the respective biographies. The Organizer is not responsible for including in its exhibition and/or publications data that has not been provided in the Entry Form by the responsible participant.


7.1 The works will be analyzed by an internal evaluation committee, which will select the works that will be part of the FILE 2023 exhibition .

7.2 Notification of the selection will be carried out by the Organizer for each participant individually, through the e-mail specified in the Registration Form, as well as any subsequent contact.


Participants hereby authorize the Organizer, free of charge, definitively, universally and irrevocably, to use the works produced by them for the purposes of participating in FILE 2023.

Participants also authorize the use of the works they produced, entered and selected for FILE 2023 , as well as their name, image and voice, sent by Participants or obtained through research, for use by the Organizer, in the disclosure of FILE 2023, its next editions, and/or in institutional promotion and other events promoted by the Organizer, in any and all types of publicity, conveyed through electronic, digital and/or printed media, including: magazines, posters, television and radio stations, internet, websites and social networks, and any other type of media and/or promotional material, in the way that the Organizer deems convenient, without time limit, territory and/or number of exhibitions, without incurring any burden for the Organizer , all copyrights and credits of their respective authors being preserved. The selected participants agree to sign a specific Authorization Term to the Organizer for copyrights, as well as the use of image and voice sound.

This regulation authorizes FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, or third parties indicated by it, dominated only by AUTHORIZED:

1- to freely use my image and/or sound of voice, being able to capture, edit, synchronize, disseminate, translate, store, fix, reproduce, transmit, publish, transmit, distribute in full and/or edited form, together or not with other images and/or sounds, with or without commercial purposes, for the dissemination of the AUTHORIZED PARTIES’ programming, as well as in materials related to the history, actions and events carried out by the AUTHORIZED PARTIES, which may be published and disseminated through the printed, electronic and / or digital, including but not limited to social networks and websites of authorized and / or third parties indicated by this, whether or not available for download , as well as together with the names of producers, sponsors and / or supporters.

2- in relation to all patrimonial copyrights, including, but not limited to, the possibility of recording and capturing the Work for free use, being able to edit, synchronize, disseminate, translate, store, fix, reproduce, transmit, publish, transmit, distribute in full and/or edited form, together or not with other works, images and/or sounds, with or without commercial purposes, to disseminate the programming of the AUTHORIZED PARTIES, as well as in materials related to the history, actions and events carried out by the AUTHORIZED PARTIES , which may be broadcast and disseminated through print, electronic and/or digital media, including but not limited to social networks and websites of the authorized and/or third parties indicated by it, whether or not it is available for download, as well as together with the names of producers, sponsors and/or supporters.

3- that the Work may be included, at the discretion of the AUTHORIZED PARTIES, on the WIKIDATA platform ( ), having full knowledge of the Platform ‘s Copyright and Creative Commons use criteria, and in view of the characteristics of the internet, which allow third parties to extract and use published images, the AUTHORIZED PARTIES are exempt from responsibility in the event that a third party improperly registers and disseminates the images of the Work.

Bearing in mind the characteristics of the internet, which allow third parties to extract and use published images, the AUTHORIZED PARTIES are exempt from responsibility in the event that a third party improperly registers and disseminates the images of the Work. I also declare that I have full powers and capacities to enter into this Term, being the sole holder of the copyright of the Work and exempting the AUTHORIZED PARTIES from any and all administrative, civil or criminal liability, obliging me to indemnify them for any losses and damages that may arise. to suffer in case of dispute.

This authorization is signed on a universal, definitive, irrevocable, irreversible basis, for Brazil and abroad, free of charge, without limitation of time and number of reproductions, obliging the Parties to faithfully and fully comply with it, by themselves, heirs and successors .


9.1 The Organizer, at any time, may, at its sole discretion, supplement and/or partially or totally modify this document. All modifications or additions will be brought to everyone’s attention through publication on the website and, and such changes or additions will only be put into practice after 24 (twenty-four) days have elapsed. hours of its publication on the website.

9.2 The evaluation committee’s decision is sovereign, with no appeal.

9.3 By completing the online Registration Form, participants tacitly agree with all the rules of this Regulation, as well as with the use of their names, images, voices and photos to publicize the selection result, including for use in advertisements, exhibitions, without any additional burden for the Organizer, or third parties indicated by it, for the legal term of copyright protection.

9.4 The work of each and every participant who violates any rule of this Regulation and/or other notices, as well as is involved in any case of proven fraud, will be automatically excluded from the evaluation, in which case he/she will also be subject to answer for a crime of ideological or documentary falsehood.

9.5 The mere registration in this competition implies full knowledge of its conditions and unrestricted acceptance of this Regulation by the participant, who is fully responsible for any postulations, judicial or extrajudicial, relating to third party rights or claims regarding non-compliance with any conditions of the Regulation.

9.6 The content of the website and is offered as-is only for your information, personal use, visualization and insertion of data, and cannot be downloaded, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, shown to the public, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any purpose whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the Organizer.

9.7 Despite the fact that everyone is aware of the existence of Covid-19, since the management and prediction of the consequences of the pandemic and/or isolation, any factor or new condition brought about by the coronavirus pandemic remain beyond everyone’s control ongoing will be considered as acts of God or force majeure.

9.8 In the event that the selected ones are not found, or it is not possible to contact them three consecutive times, the Organizer may, at its discretion, select another work to proceed with the award, disqualifying the selected one not found.

9.9 The Organizer will not admit agents, entrepreneurs or any other intermediaries in its relationship with the participants and selected, in all matters directly and/or indirectly linked to FILE 2023 , in the present and in the future.

9.10 All doubts and/or issues arising from this selection process will be resolved by the Organizer, always considering the consumer protection rules in force. The Organizer’s decisions will not be subject to any type of appeal.

9.11 Participation in this selection process is FREE, and exclusively cultural, without any form of luck or payment by the participants, nor binding them or the winners to the acquisition or use of any good, right or service, under the terms of article 3, item II, of Law no. 5.768/71 and article 30 of Decree no. 70,951/72.




