ICDHS 2016 Taipei | The 10th International Conference on Design History and Design Studies (ICDHS)

Making Trans/national Contemporary Design History

ICDHS 2016 Taipei | The 10th International Conference on Design History and Design Studies (ICDHS)

26-28 October, 2016
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

Abstract due: 20 July, 2015

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for ICDHS 2016 Taipei, The 10th International Conference on Design History and Design Studies.

Taipei – the ‘World Design Capital of 2016’ welcomes proposals for the ICDHS 2016 Taipei to share this historical moment and think critically about design in the global context. This fast moving, culturally complex city is an ideal place for debat-ing and making a trans/national contemporary design history – an aim that has been part of the ICDHS’s goal of inclusive and far-reaching design history and design studies. In producing innovative design while leading the postcolonial debate on transnational identities and practicing democratic activism, Taiwan and its geo-cultural location offers a compelling con-ference platform.

We are seeking proposals for the following eight strands that will cover a wide range of themes including local level issues specific to East Asia and inter-Asian connections. Furthermore, topics that have been developed through previous ICDHS conferences (http://www.ub.edu/gracmon/icdhs/), and the undiscovered, newly emerging ideas in the field of design history and design studies will also be considered for inclusion. The overarching aim of this conference is to explore different pos-sibilities of engagement that advance ‘global’, ‘world’ and ‘transnational’ design histories and studies. The eight strands are:
1. Inter-Asia and design historical issues in Asia
2. Trans/national design theory and identity
3. Science, technology and sustainability
4. Craft, material culture and cultural industry
5. Design policies, pedagogies and creative economy
6. Contemporary design practice
7. Activism, democracy and design interventions
8. Open strand

Proposals for individual 20-minute papers, or for panels organized around a common theme, and or poster presen-tations should use the form provided from the conference website: http://www.dt.ntust.edu.tw/icdhs2016/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/icdhs2016_taipei_proposal_form.pdf. Upon completion, please upload and submit the form to https://easychair.org/conferences/?cof=icdhs2016taipei.

Proposal submissions must be in English, and should include the following:
• An abstract not exceeding 300 words
• Indication of strand and participation type
• 5 keywords

The official language of the conference is English and Chinese. Submissions of full papers or posters in either English or Traditional Chinese are open to the choice of authors. Full paper and panel presentations in the conference could be con-ducted in either English or Mandarin Chinese.

All submissions will go through an anonymous, double-blind review process. The deadline for proposal submissions is 20 July, 2015. Applicants will be advised whether their proposals have been successful by early October 2015, and for suc-cessful proposals an invitation for submission of the full paper or poster presentation will follow. Full papers in English should not exceed 3,000 words, while full papers in Traditional Chinese should not exceed 6,000 characters. Poster presentations in English should not exceed 1,500 words, and those in Traditional Chinese should not exceed 3,000 char-acters.
For all conference participants, proceedings will be available in digital format, and online for long-term dissemination. Print format will be available as an option with a small charge to cover basic printing cost. With authors’ agreement, selected papers will be published in a thematically formed volume by the one of the official conference journals: International Jour-nal of Design, or Sheji Xuebao 設計學報 (Journal of Design), the two Taipei-based academic journals.

For further information, please refer to the conference website:http://www.dt.ntust.edu.tw/icdhs2016/
Any queries should be addressed to this email: icdhs2016taipei@easychair.org

We look forward to seeing you in Taipei in October, 2016.

Chairs of Program Committees for ICDHS 2016 Taipei
Tingyi S. Lin, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Yuko Kikuchi, University of the Arts London, UK
Wendy Siuyi Wong, York University, Toronto, Canada


As a primary supplier of innovative design practitioners, the Department of Industrial & Commercial Design at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the Department”) not only continues its efforts to integrate design practice and theory into student’s training courses, but also constantly expands its programs into new areas of design studies and works on better strategies towards international visibility and student’s awareness of business practices, with a view to placing the Department among the top-ranking design programs in Asia and globally.