Media-N Fall 2016 Issue CFP
Uncovering News: Reporting and Forms of New Media Art
Media-N -2016 fall issue: V. 12 N. 3
Guest Editors
Abigail Susik, Willamette University
Grant Taylor, Lebanon Valley College
Kevin Hamilton
Media-N, the Journal of the New Media Caucus, invites submissions for an issue about new media art and its relation to news, reportage, and journalism. Relevant subjects could include: media artworks that address news as subject or form; the influence of new media art on journalism; or critical/historical analysis of the reporting of new media art in popular or disciplinary press venues.
Media artists have mined news and journalism as raw material, as distribution form, and as a rhetorical act of reportage. Artists such as Paper Tiger Television or Negativland drew from television news broadcasts in their critical cut-ups. Feminist and aboriginal video art collectives such as Amelia Productions emerged in Vancouver out of counter-news video documentary efforts. Among contemporary tactical media artists such as the Yes Men or Critical Art Ensemble, mainstream news serves as distribution method or site of intervention. Still others have sought to critique the reliable reporter position of modern journalism, or to create new alternative networks for counter-hegemonic news production.
Media art has also benefitted from many a new platform for reporting and distribution of news about new works and ideas. Email listservs, mailed newsletters, faxes, episodic video, magazines, radio, or social media, have not only served as channels for sharing new works, but as forms of expression and community. Net artists learned about other through the Thing, Rhizome, or even the Well before deploying their own web artworks back into those spaces. Sound artists tuned in to programs on ResonanceFM or San Francisco’s KQED before sending in their own works for broadcast, or gaining a show of their own.
Submissions for this special issue on new media art and news, reportage, and journalism might address the following questions:
- How do new media artworks engage with journalism, information leaks, and information dissemination?
- How and why has mainstream news covered media art as a story?
- How are new media forms and aesthetics, from locative media to visualization or even physical computing, altering the work of journalists?
- What is the status of new media arts reporting and criticism today? How do modes of communication, transmission and reception inform new media art?
- How is the field of new media art as a whole affected by reporting, reviews and criticism of developing trends, and what is the significance of the modalities in which this dialogue takes shape?
- How will we write about art and technology in the future, given new and emerging publishing platforms?
- How has new media art as a field been particularly influenced by news and reportage as a primary disciplinary component in the work of dissemination, critique, and knowledge construction?
Media-N is an English language journal, and all submissions must be received in English adhering to the standards set by the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus (ISSN: 1942-017X) is a scholarly, invitational, and double blind peer-reviewed journal. It is open to submissions in the form of theoretical papers, reports, and reviews on new media artworks. The journal provides a forum for national and international New Media Caucus members and non-members featuring their scholarly research, artworks and projects.
June 15, 2016: Deadline for submission of abstracts/proposals.
July 15, 2016: Notification of acceptance.
September 15, 2016: Deadline for submission of final papers.
Please send your submission proposal by email adhering to the following:
Proposal Title, and a 300-500 word Proposal Description. Include your Email(s), your Title(s)/Affiliation(s) (the institution/organization you work with if applicable, or independent scholar/practitioner).
On a separate document, send a Resume (no longer than 3 pages).
NOTE: Materials should be submitted in English, as Microsoft Word documents (.doc or .docx).
Email to: – AND –