Open Call: New Media Caucus MediaLounge Events
Open Call: New Media Caucus MediaLounge Events at CAA 2021 in New York
Every year, the New Media Caucus hosts a diverse set of programming — panels, round-tables, screenings, workshops, pecha-kuchas, and so forth — in the College Art Association (CAA) MediaLounge during the annual conference. These events are open to the public, and do not require CAA conference registration or membership.
The New Media Caucus invites proposals for our programming to be held in the CAA MediaLounge during the 2021 College Art Association annual conference in New York City (Feb 10-13, 2021). Proposals should reflect New Media Caucus’ mandate of promoting the development and understanding of new media art with an emphasis on contemporary or emerging technologies. We are particularly interested in panels that address or engage with underrepresented populations reflecting our commitment to embodying the diversity of new media.
Proposals that have already been submitted to CAA’s will not be accepted.
Please submit the following as a single PDF
- Title
- Chair (Name, email, affiliation — independent artists are welcomed)
- Format (panel, round-table, screening, workshop, pecha-kucha, or other)
- Abstract (250 words maximum)
- Proposed participants/presenters (Names and affiliations — independent artists are welcomed)
- Diversity statement (150 words maximum) addressing how your submission relates to NMC’s diversity statement (see below)
- Chair’s CV
Proposals should be uploaded via this Google Form.
June 5, 2020 @ 12:00 pm EST
Selected proposals will be notified by June 10, 2020. Once selected, chairs will need to submit more detailed information by June 15, 2020, but will have until July 1 to finalize participants/presenters.
The New Media Caucus is committed to extending and sustaining the diversity of our community, board, and membership, to promote an environment of equality, inclusion, and respect for difference. We prioritize inclusion as an ongoing collaborative process of growth that we continually address, both within the Caucus and in our field.