New Media Development Tenure Track Faculty Position at Rochester Institute of Technology
Job Description: At RIT’s School of Interactive Games and Media, we define New Media as a melding of technology, communication and art. We are a community of makers with a tradition of collaborative and multidisciplinary projects. We apply and create technology and media to interact, communicate, connect, learn, influence, and inform. We explore social computing and build experiences by integrating code, connectivity, and aesthetics.
RIT’s School of Interactive Games and Media seeks candidates whose work demonstrates proficiency with code and sensitivity to aesthetics. Candidates should have experience creating a range of interactive media, as evidenced by published research, teaching experience in relevant university programs, a portfolio of created works, and/or credited roles in commercial media or games.
Required: A Ph.D., or a terminal degree (such as an MFA), in computing or a related field is required, as is a record of publicly disseminated scholarly and/or creative work, or demonstrated potential for future scholarship. In lieu of a terminal degree, candidates with demonstrated exceptional industry impact may be considered. Ability to contribute in meaningful ways to the college’s continuing commitment to cultural diversity, pluralism, and individual differences.
-For consideration at the rank of Assistant Professor, a candidate should have a research agenda related to interactive media and a potential for scholarly research demonstrated by presentations in academic conferences or publications in peer-reviewed journals. Candidates should also have a demonstrated ability or potential to teach effectively.
-For consideration at the rank of Associate Professor, an applicant must have a proven record of scholarly research as shown by a consistently funded research program and a strong publication record, along with evidence of excellence in teaching interactive media courses, developing courses and curricula, and a history of contributing through service at multiple levels.
Apply online at:
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Application deadline: To receive prompt consideration, all application materials should be received by January 11, 2015. The position will remain open until an acceptable candidate is found.