Pay-What-You-Can Subscription Membership
From: $15.00 for 1 year
Your tax-deductible donation will help grow our ability to provide support and opportunities for our community. Please select an amount and frequency for your membership from the drop-down menus below.
The NMC is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization building resources, scholarship, and community for new media art practitioners and scholars.
NMC by the numbers (2024):
- Sponsored panel discussions and virtual member showcase at the College Art Association Conference 2024!
- Quarterly Header/Footer Gallery exhibitions
- Produced 8 episodes of the Header/Footer Presents podcast!
- Volume 20 No. 1 of Media-N Journal: Trans New Media as Embodied Practice
- 6 winners of the Judson-Morrissey Excellence in New Media Award
- 4 winners of the Vagner Mendonça-Whitehead Microgrant Fund
- The first (of many!) virtual member mixer event, where we met new friends and shared ideas together
We are committed to providing free access to all of our online resources and to Media-N. All funds will be returned to the community in support of our mission.
Membership Amount | $100 Membership, $15 Membership, $150 Membership, $25 Membership, $50 Membership, $75 Membership |
Billing Frequency | Monthly, Yearly, One-year only |