Pay-What-You-Can Subscription Membership

From: $15.00 for 1 year

Your tax-deductible donation will help grow our ability to provide support and opportunities for our community. Please select an amount and frequency for your membership from the drop-down menus below.


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The NMC is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization building resources, scholarship, and community for new media art practitioners and scholars.

NMC by the numbers (2024):

We are committed to providing free access to all of our online resources and to Media-N. All funds will be returned to the community in support of our mission.

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Membership Amount

$100 Membership, $15 Membership, $150 Membership, $25 Membership, $50 Membership, $75 Membership

Billing Frequency

Monthly, Yearly, One-year only