COVID-19 Community Resources
Dear New Media Caucus friends,
I’m reaching out on behalf of the NMC to express sympathy and solidarity in these tumultuous times. I hope you are staying safe and secure. For those whose own health, or that of loved ones, has been directly impacted by the coronavirus, I offer our deepest condolences.
One of the silver linings of this crisis is the strength and generosity our art and academic communities have demonstrated as we attempt to respond to the shifting demands of our professions and the need to care for ourselves, our families, friends, and local communities. The outpouring of efforts to support each other by sharing valuable experiences and pooling resources, all with compassion and humor, has been profoundly moving.
The NMC would like to help. We are collecting resources from our community members and publishing them via our website. Please use this (quick and easy!) Google form to add anything you’d like to share. The resource page will be updated regularly.
Regards to you in these challenging times.
Jessye McDowell
New Media Caucus President
COVID-19 Community Resources
Tools & Teaching Materials:
- Coronavirus Readings for Artists: Public folder to read, share, and add to as you see fit from Jason Lazarus
- Future Forward – the journal of Integrative Teaching International
- BBC Sound Effects
- Eyeo Talks
- Resources for Online Instruction of Visual/ Studio Arts
- Michelle Ellsworth’s Please Consider #6: Skype
- UCLA’s Art History Teaching Resources (AHTR) is a web-based platform that connects a diverse field of educators in art history, visual culture, and related fields.
- Women in Sound COVID-19 Resources
- Kahoot offering free access to some premium services
- The Chronicle of Higher Education has a collection available for free
- Toolkit: Leveraging the Smartphone as a creative teaching tool – From Heather Snyder Quinn: Sharing an AIGA paper and corresponding Smartphone Creative Toolkit (open for collab) that I began in 2016. As we adjust to teaching, working and making remotely and want to support various paths to creative and critical making, how can we leverage the smartphone as a creative teaching tool. The paper includes sample projects and the toolkit includes a list of themes, topics and apps. Please feel free to share and add to it. #smartphone #experimentation #design #ethics #openeducation #pedagogy
- Great list of resources from Mina Cheon
Website/ Media Collections:
- BATHAS TV Collection (Experimental Public Access TV Program)
- MUBI Film School program: free membership in this curated streaming site for media/film students and educators
- MIT Docubase – “An interactive curated database of the people, projects, and technologies transforming documentary in the digital age.”
- CABIN FEVER: Coping with COVID-19 playlist of online experimental films & videos
- IDFA – some docs are streaming free
- Virtual films for doc-educators to screen for free
- AAFF Live Streaming
- The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections
- Radius is an experimental radio broadcast platform located in Chicago, IL, US
- 2,500 museums you can now visit virtually
- Virtual Care Lab
Useful Language & Examples:
- VCU Zombie Survival Guide
- Read Me – Distance Learning for Studio Art Courses
- Using Slack for Learning Engagement
- Creating Narrative in ppt & saving as video presentation
Advice & Articles:
- Please do a bad job of putting your courses online
- Teaching Art Online Under COVID-19
- From CUNY Graduate Center “Quick tips on transitioning pedagogy…”
- Moving Production Courses online (how-to)
- Adjusting your study habits due to COVID
- HybridPedagogy on Discussion Forums
- Teaching Effectively During Times of Disruption
- ‘Panic-gogy’: Teaching Online Classes During The Coronavirus Pandemic
Artist Emergency Resources:
- Common Field’s open document: COVID-19 Resources for the Artist Organization field
- IDA’s Filmmaker’s Guide to Applying for US Coronavirus Federal Relief
- COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resources
- The Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts is starting a “Quarantine Quilt” project, to which anyone can contribute:
- Three of four awards are for Milwaukee-based artists, but one is for someone from elsewhere in the US. The winners will be awarded $15,000 each:
- The New School’s Vera List Center for Art & Politics has a great list of COVID-19 resources for artists & extended communities
credit for the following:
- (deadline to request a mail-in ballot is Wednesday, March 18, 2020)
Facebook Groups:
- Online Art Studio Instruction in the Age of “Social Distancing”
- Shifting Film, Media, Screenwriting & Production Online for COVID-19