SIGGRAPH 2019 Art Papers CFP
To foster dialogue and diversity of topics, Art Papers are submitted in one of two types:
Long Papers: dedicated to describing concepts, processes, and applicability of advances in science, computer graphics, and interactive techniques. Long Papers are published and printed as a special issue of Leonardo, the journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology (MIT Press).
Short Papers: dedicated to discussing on-going works and visions. New to this year, Short Papers are published in the ACM and ARTECA Digital Library.
Both Long and Short Papers receive a rigorous and thoughtful review by at least three members of the International Jury, which is composed of renowned scholars, artists, and scientists.
The Art Papers program brings together communities of practitioners and researchers working at the cross-sections of art, design, humanities, science, and technology. Proposals can be submitted in one of four main categories: 1) Project description; 2) Theory/criticism of contemporary digital art; 3) Methods/techniques of creative practices; and 4) History/media archaeology of materials and roles of artists.
Visit our website for more information and submission instructions.