Spring 2016: V.12 N.01 Mestizo Technology: Art, Design, and Technoscience in Latin America

Mestizo Tech link to web edition: http://median.newmediacaucus.org/mestizo-technology-art-design-and-technoscience-in-latin-america/

Mestizo Tech link to LULU edition: http://www.lulu.com/shop/new-media-caucus/mestizo-technology-art-design-and-technoscience-in-latin-america/paperback/product-22924280.html

Latin America is a diverse geographical and cultural region populated by a wealth of extremely productive new media specialists with significant local and global exposure. Yet, scarce are academic English language anthologies composed of theoretical writings that survey the status of art, technology and design practices in and by that constituency.

With this in mind, Media-N’s mission has been to support a provocative theme that might begin to fill the gap. “Mestizo Technology: Art, Design, and Technoscience in Latin America” is the title proposed by Guest Editors Paula Gaetano Adi and Gustavo Crembil who employed a lens merging notions of mestizaje and new technologies to scan the development of new media practices distinctive to Latin America; to survey how influences from the global North have been appropriated and adapted to particular needs, resources and interests of Latin American thinkers and makers; and to also challenge traditional dichotomies afflicting perceptions about productions emerging from the global south: western/indigenous; modern/traditional; craft/technology; and big science/small science.

Further, Media-N enhances this issue with timely Reviews and Reports. Edited by Francesca Franco, this section of the journal presents interviews with prominent international new media artists, as well as reviews of events taking place in Italy, Australia, the USA, and online.

Media-N’s Vol.12 N.01 also marks the culmination of a vigorous six-year journey where I have had the pleasure to contribute to the New Media Caucus as Officer of the organization’s Executive Board, and to shape the direction of its academic publication as Editor-in-Chief of Media-N Journal. Upon concluding my second term as Editor-in-Chief of Media-N, I think that it is timely to extend my heartfelt thanks to the NMC board, to Media-N’s editorial board and managing editors, to our copyeditors and proofreaders, to our web and print design directors, and to the various guest editors and authors for their efforts, the sharing of expertise, and their commitment to quality throughout the last six years. For me, it has been an invigorating project, one that an exceptional Media-N team will sustain and build upon in the years to come.

Pat Badani

