Tag exhibition

The Wrong 3 : Radical Inclusion (Post 3)

The Wrong (biennale) – An Interview with David Quiles Guilló, founder and director of The Wrong For anyone not familiar, what is The Wrong?  The Wrong is a moment in time. An event of events, an exhibition of exhibitions. A lighthouse that…

The Wrong 3 : Radical Inclusion (Post 2)

The Wrong (biennale) Today, November 1, 2017 marks the opening of the third iteration of The Wrong. As in previous years, it offers a wide range of exhibitions and events – both online and off. To try and describe The Wrong in…

The Wrong 3 : Radical Inclusion (Post 1)

The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale The Wrong is divided into online and IRL locations around the world. The online biennale happens in pavilions; virtual curated spaces in which selected works are exhibited. The offline biennale happens in The Wrong…

Call for Entries: The Light Factory 9th Annuale

The Light Factory is pleased to announce its 9th Juried Annuale, a photography competition that will showcase challenging and inventive new work from photographers and artists throughout the international photographic community. From traditional to digital, still and moving, all photographic…