Tag video

Call for Entries : MADATAC 07

VIDEOART & NEW MEDIA AUDIO-VISUAL ART OPEN CALLSSpain and International/ It is left open without restrictions a call to select, by means of a criteria in which will be valued particularly the experimentation, the innovation and the risk, the creations…

Call For Entries: 19th VIDEOMEDEJA

  19th International Video Festival VIDEOMEDEJAOctober 23 – 25 2015 | Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia Like previous years we are looking for new video art works and short films, media installations, live audiovisual performances, network…

Call For Entries – Video + New Media

Grey Projects invites Work in Video, Video/Media Installation, and New Media. All video art styles will be considered including shorts, experimental, poetic, abstract, documentary, music, animation. 10 min max, 5 min or less preferred. Entries will be considered for multiple exhibitions.…