Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Transnational identities and digital media studies at Tulane University

The Department of Communication at Tulane University invites applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant Professor rank focusing on the cultural-political implications of digital media in global contexts. We are especially interested in qualified applicants whose research addresses intersections of cultural identities, new media, and social/political formations. Possible areas include the role of digital and new media in political struggles, postcoloniality, populism, mobile communication, social networking, technological affordances, and/or cultural production. We encourage scholars who can teach fieldwork methods to apply.

This is a tenure-track position that will begin August 2017. We are an interdisciplinary department in the School of Liberal Arts specializing in the critical study of media, technology and transnational communication. With more than 200 undergraduate majors, our full-time faculty offers a range of theoretical, historical, and practice-oriented courses.


Qualified candidates for this position will hold a PhD degree in Communication or a related field by May 2017.


Candidates should submit a letter or application, a curriculum vitae, three recommendation letters, and two writing samples (articles, papers or chapters). Whenever applicable, candidates should submit up to two syllabi of courses taught and teaching evaluations. Questions can be directed to Dr. Ana Lopez (lopez@tulane.edu), Chair of the Search Committee. Review of applications will begin 7 November 2016 and will continue until the position is filled. https://apply.interfolio.com/37636