Tenure Track Assistant Professor of New Media at Indiana University South Bend

The Department of Integrated New Media Studies in the Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts at Indiana University South Bend is seeking a tenure track Assistant Professor of New Media to develop and teach animation in the Interactive Media & Video and Motion Media concentrations. The appointment will begin August 1st 2015. This position has a teaching load of three courses per semester primarily in the area of animation as it pertains to New Media at the undergraduate level. The department seeks a candidate that will develop an animation curriculum in collaboration with New Media faculty. Additional responsibilities include creative production & exhibition and/or, research and scholarly publication, academic advising, and service appropriate to the pursuit of tenure at Indiana University South Bend. Initial salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Basic Qualifications:

The qualified candidate must possess an MFA, Ph.D., or other appropriate terminal degree in animation before July 1, 2015. An MFA or higher in a related field with significant professional experience in animation or motion graphics may be considered.

Additional Qualifications:

The candidate must be a creative individual with animation skills focusing on 3D-digital animation & motion graphics while including one or more of the following skill sets: 3D modeling, 3D printing, 2D animation, stop-motion animation, motion art, or experimental animation. The candidate also maintains professional level skills in Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, After Effects, and Premiere as well as exceptional skills in one or more of: 3D Studio Max; Maya 3D; Blender 3D; Rhinoceros. The ideal candidate has a strong exhibition or professional activity record, and teaching experience in classroom or online beyond MFA.

Start Date:

August 1, 2015

Application Deadline: 

For best consideration complete your application by January 1, 2015. 

Apply Online: https://indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/1158

To apply submit the following via our online system:

•Letter of application.

•Curriculum Vita.

•URL to on-line portfolio showing a reel of professional/creative work.

•URL to on-line portfolio showing 10-20 examples of student work.

•Unofficial Graduate & Undergraduate transcripts (attach @ “other”).

•Statement of teaching philosophy.

•Statement of creative activity (attach @ “other2”).

•List of three references.


Questions regarding this position should be directed to:

INMS Search Committee Chair

Sean Hottois

Assistant Professor of New Media

Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts

