Visual Resources Association Membership Outreach

The Visual Resources Association (VRA) invites you to join our dynamic and multidisciplinary community, dedicated to furthering research and education in the field of image and media management within the educational, cultural heritage, and commercial environments. Our international membership includes information specialists; digital image specialists; photograph and digital archivists; art, architecture, film and video librarians; museum professionals; architectural firms; galleries; publishers; image system vendors; rights and reproductions officials; photographers; art historians; artists; and scientists.

Membership benefits include:

– Access to information on the latest technologies, equipment, and current practices via subscription to the VRA Listserv

– Subscription to and opportunities to publish in the VRA Bulletin

– Discounted registration for the annual VRA conference

– Continuing education opportunities, including VRA member-discounted events and workshops

– Eligibility for enrollment in one or more of the regional VRA chapters across the United States and around the world

– Mentor program for new members and conference attendees

Member discount offered for the 2015 annual conference.

Join us March 11-14, 2015 in Denver for our 33rd annual conference. The program includes content on digital humanities, visual literacy, mapping and geospatial projects, visualization, image rights and reproductions, new technologies, crowdsourcing, cataloging, embedded metadata, digital asset management, archives, research data management, and more. Conference registration begins December 5, 2014.

Apply for a Travel Award to support your attendance. The application deadline is November 17, 2014 at 12 noon EST.

VRA is a nonprofit membership organization. VRA provides leadership in the visual resources field, develops and advocates standards, and offers educational tools and opportunities for the benefit of the community at large. Through collaboration and outreach with the broader information management and educational communities, VRA actively supports the primacy of visual information in documenting and understanding humanity’s shared cultural experience.

Questions about the professional benefits of VRA membership?

Please contact: Melanie Clark, VRA Membership Committee Chair,

For general information about VRA memberships, please contact: Lise Hawkos, Membership Services